Friday, February 13, 2015

A Valentine's Day tribute to my wife

I have been blessed to have known my wife for over 25 years.  We met young, she was 18 and I was 20.  We grew up together and at times it was hard, painful and full of tears.  At other times it was sweet, loving and full of joy.  Most marriages are like that I suppose.  I just feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to love her all these years. 

I remember her strength as a mother.  Staying up late and getting up early.  One time she went away for the weekend on retreat and our baby didn't want her bottled breast milk, dang it, she wanted the real thing.  I held out all Friday night and most of Saturday and since she had only taken a few sips of water or milk, I caved and drove to the retreat.  My head was hanging in shame, that I couldn't even last a few days.  There was no look of pity thrown my way, or angry words of needing time away.  Instead, my beloved lovingly held our oldest child, feed her, and we all feel asleep.  My wife is a patient and loving woman.

There was a time when money was scarce and the bills were mounting.  Our tempers were short and over the course of time, more and more arguments happened.  She kept on ending these “talks” with us praying for mercy and understanding.  I personally had a hard time settling down to pray and still to this day I am thankful that I have a wife that relies on God to get us through the tough times.
About seven years ago, I was offered a job in the Midwest and we had never lived more than an hour from the Atlantic Ocean.  I was excited about the opportunity and my partner was nervous.  We had never lived so far away from family.  Mostly we had lived within 90 minutes of our parents and siblings.  Aunts, uncles and cousins were never too far away for holidays and parties.  Now, we had the decision to move away from all of that to start anew.  With hands held together and our foreheads touching we prayed for guidance.  The love of my life is trusting, not in me always, but in Our Lord.
During these years away from our roots, we have been blessed to have met a wonderful group of friends.  These friends have turned into family and have made life wonderful.  My rock, has now found a group of girlfriends that she leans on and helps them when needed.  I have seen her grow in her faith and it has been one of my life’s treasures to have seen her blossom in this way.  My rock knows Jesus and is one of His disciples.

Our kids are getting older, the youngest is hitting those early teen years and testing us, the middle is about to enter high school and the oldest is readying herself for college next fall.   Through all this it is again my oldest that teaches me something about the woman I love the most.   You see, my oldest is going through the typical emotional roller coaster of having a blast with her high school friends and still looking at the future with both joy and trepidation of the unknown.  My wife has sat down with her and talked about the changes that she is experiencing and about to experience.  I have no clue if her words of wisdom are falling on deaf ears or not.  I hope my child is listening, for my wife was 18 once, on that day we first met.  She was beautiful, full of energy just bursting with enthusiasm and just little hesitant on the first day of her college career, just like my daughter will be.  My spouse has faith in Jesus Christ.

On this February 13th, I treasure the lady that I am lucky enough to call my wife.  I haven’t bought her chocolates or flowers.  There is no big expensive jewel hidden somewhere in the house.  You are a gift from God to me.  You are the only real jewel in our home.  My jewel is loving, strong, patient, trusting, prayerful, and faith filled; that is my wife.  I adore you sweetheart, you are my everything and I never want to be without you.  Thank you for taking this journey with me and may our Lord always be at the center of our marriage.  

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